I've got a few books on my wish list right now and I can't decide which one I want to order! Hmm...decisions...decisions. Of course, they are probably all wonderful but I can't buy them all. Not at one time at least. Here are the books on my wish list:

Looks like a fun book filled with inspiring hip spaces. Seems like it would be different from the traditional design book.

Obviously, I'm always trying to find ways to decorate on a budget. I saw this book in Francesca's (I know its a clothing store but I guess they started carrying some books) and was really impressed while I was flipping through it! I thought about purchasing it in the store but I knew I could find it cheaper online (again with the whole budget thing).

This seems like a go to book for anyone interested in interior design. And seeing as how I fit into that category I feel like I need this book. I'm sure its great since ElleDecor always puts together beautiful publications.

I originally saw this book at Anthropologie. I am interested in this book because I am intrigued by sustainable living and would love to see how it can be incorporated into interior design.
Ugh. I am still no closer to making my decision! Someone help me!
images via amazon***Update 7-13-10: I ordered "Thrifty Chic" and "Downtown Chic." I can't wait for them to get here! I'll let you know what I think of them in an upcoming post :)
I like "Thrifty Chic" the best....although I never tire of "Style and Substance". "Domestic Art" and Celerie Kemble's "To Your Taste" are good choices too.......and double as great coffee table books!. Nice blog..K
Kathy- I think I am going to have to add both those books to my wish list now! Thanks for your suggestions and thanks for following!
i think 'thrifty chic' for sure!! looks like you could pick apart their rooms to find pieces that would match with many different decors. my second choice would be 'downtown chic' b/c it looks so different than your taste so might give you some good "mature" ideas. :)
I think "Thrifty Chic" wins! I am adding it to my shopping cart right now :) Thanks for helping me with my indecision!
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